Its fair to say, COP26 has got most of us talking. What can we do, to make our planet safer, healthier and sustainable for our children, their children and generations to come?
At St V’s and St G’s becoming more environmentally friendly, is a top priority. The Garden Project has opened our eyes to just how much one persons waste, really is another persons treasure. Reducing, Re-using and Recycling what we have, is one way we can come together for our future.
To help us on our mission to reduce, reuse and recycle, in early 2022, we’re organising an old school, retro Jumble Sale. We’re hoping our local community will support our small charity, and the environment by donating items we can sell at our Jumble sale, to raise funds for our small charity.
We’re searching for clothes you no longer wear, or your children have out grown, toys they no longer play with and general bric a brac! If you’re clearing out for Christmas – please donate the things you no longer need to our Jumble Sale!
Donations can be dropped off at Phoenix, GL52 2NW Monday – Friday between 9am and 3pm we will confirm the date of our Jumble sale in coming weeks.