The Hub (coming soon)
Final name to be decided by the people we support...
Images above show the design, drawn by our architects.
Following an incredibly generous grant, we’re currently working towards designing The Hub, to provide learning, leisure and community activities in Cheltenham. .
The Hub will be based in the grounds of one of our supported living properties, in Lansdown Parade Cheltenham. This small yet vibrant service will be open five days a week to provide a daytime service with an ever- evolving programme of activities, training sessions (food hygiene, fire safety first aid), living skills sessions (including cookery, and nutrition, shopping and budgeting), gardening (linking with our garden project) therapeutic workshops, such as sewing and textiles, community engagement opportunities a regular evening social club and transition days to support your move into adult services.
As of Monday 24th June 2024 preparation for the building works has begun, with structural ground works underway. Once this is complete (within a 2 week period, weather permitting), construction of the Hub will commence. We are excited to watch the progress of our new building and will keep you up to date with the building work as it unfolds.
Updated images can be found below, please keep coming back to this page for updates!
Images above taken 24/06/2024 – Day 1 of building works